I saw some people out in the vines with gas masks walking around spraying stuff on the vines, while I’m sitting there in my bathing suit, thinking, “What is going on here?” And I started getting into agriculture. It started as a hobby. I just really believed we needed to change the way the property was farmed. Because ethically, things have to change. A…

Natural wine culture, by Aaron Ayscough. Reporting from Paris since 2010. Roughly a third of this podcast is available for free. For access to the other episodes - and to heaps of wine interviews, profiles, translations, commentary, and more - subscribe to
Natural wine culture, by Aaron Ayscough. Reporting from Paris since 2010. Roughly a third of this podcast is available for free. For access to the other episodes - and to heaps of wine interviews, profiles, translations, commentary, and more - subscribe to Listen on
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